Below is an Astrological Chart for 11.32pm AEST (Byron Bay, Australia ), showing that as the Moon, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron conjunct, the 26th and 27th degrees of the constellation AQUARIUS become important. Also, the FIXED STAR Gienah, in the Constellation CYGNUS, is very close in longitude.
Public knowledge, vision and healing flow well with individual expression
but there remains much to be UNCOVERED and recognised by our individual "selves".
These planets, in their intense grouping, as they travel through their first two hours of rising, are in the twelfth house - the domain of PISCES.
With Neptune the ruler of Pisces, and Jupiter the traditional ruler of Pisces, this is a powerful location, during this period two hour period after rising. Focusing on the qualities of the Moon, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron can help facilitate institutional healing, learning from the past,and is a powerful tool to assist those who wish to uncover hidden things, so that others may see them for what they are. The story of the Emperor's New Clothing can pertain to this astrological situation, as can the Ugly Duckling Story.
The mind (Mercury) and the mass consciousness (Uranus) flow well together. Thus prayer and the will for transformation can flow from the individual's knowledge base, to the wider community, via mass consciousness "connections". Wonderful!
The above chart is for 13th June 2009, 11.32pm Byron Bay NE NSW, Australia. AEST
Quaoar (manifesting voice and dance) is situated close to the Midheaven, at 19 degrees Sagittarius. It is unaspected by other planetary bodies (thus giving it a somewhat elusive quality). However, if you view the above chart, you will see that there is much harmony in the planetary connections for ALL the other "planets". (blue and green lines).
This can help facilitate shifting blockages and refocusing visionary directions. Again, VIOLETS are a major symbol, as is the idea of thorough preparation for the future, particularly regarding environmental, seasonal and climatic cycles.
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